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NEW launched: Substance P (saliva) EIA Kit


New Release!! Salivery Biomarker Substance P

Keywords: Swallowing reflex, Couph reflex, Aspiration Pneumonia, Alzheimers Dementia


  Substance P is a peptide composed of a chain of 11 amino acid residues, which is one of a member of neuropeptides with similar structure called tachykinin. Substance P was first found to function as a neurotransmitter, and subsequent research has shown that it is expressed not only in the central and peripheral nervous systems, but also in peripheral non-nervous cells, and is now involved in a wide range of physiological functions. It is also known to be associated with various pathologies.


Pneumonia is considered to be one of the major causes of death among the elderly in Japan, and decreased secretion of substance P leads to a decrease in normal swallowing reflex and cough reflex, which increases silent aspiration, it has been pointed out that the risk of aspiration pneumonia is increased as a result.


Saliva can be collected easily and noninvasively, and Substance P concentration in saliva is considered to be a useful biomarker.

Substance P (Saliva) EIA (cat#YK340)

✔Assay range: 6.859-5,000 pg/mL 

✔High Sensitivity and Specificity

✔Highly Purified Standard

▼Also available : Salivery Biomarkers EIA Kit▼

YK070 Human Chromogranin A EIA

YK241 Cortisol (Saliva) EIA

YK280 Human s-IgA (Saliva) ELISA

YK290 DHEA (Saliva) EIA


If you have any further question, please feel free to contact us export@denispharma.jp

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